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Concorde - For an environmentalist, aware of the damaging effects of air travel, my mixed feelings about the demise of Concorde might seem surprising. On one hand I feel complete apathy. It had a pointy nose and made booming noises as it flew over. Now it doesn’t anymore. Oh well.

But on at least one occasion it might have saved the people of Aldermaston and the surrounds from a nasty dose of radioactive air.
No Heroes - No shit, there I was again, standing with the rest of humankind... Why it's up to us to stop the war.
Don’t Dig It! - Information, poems, rants and details of campaigns against environmentally destructive quarries and quarrying.
Now What? - What shall we do now? Here's what!
From a Father - John Nagle's angry article concerning the same picture as Harry's article below.
Well I Might As Well Be In Jail - a moving contemplation of war photographs and grief.

This is a piece I was sent by a man called Harry, which I wanted to share, with his permission. Thanks Harry.
Press Release - about the February 2003 trip.
The Dates Case - an argument for my court case for breaking sanction on December 2nd 2002.