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May 27th - Honey Buckets - Washington state: nuclear submarines, ex-soldiers, soldiers' families, brewery closure, terror warnings and portable toilets.
May 25th - The Man Who Wouldn’t Fight - "My life is not that special but it’s not expendable either for someone else’s business venture or to line their pockets." In Canada with US military refuser Jeremy Hinzman.
May 22nd - California - On tour in the US
May 12th - A Message from Ma’ali - A last afternoon with the students, the journey home and my forthcoming US tour.
May 9th - Neo-Baathism - Demonstration in response to the announcement that former members of the Baath Party are to get their old jobs back.
May 8th - English Lessons - English conversation classes with a group of Iraqi students took in the Abu Ghraib prisoners, marriage and birthday cake.
May 6th - Bombs and Goodbyes - On getting woken up by car bombs, Falluja, Najaf and saying goodbye to a load of people.
May 5th - The Not-Quite News About Prisons - The publication of the prisoner abuse photos has rightly caused outrage, but it's not new and there are a lot of other abuses routinely going on in the prison system.